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Most recently, the Saudis have led the charge in aiding terrorist groups fighting in Syria. It is a similar story for Qatar. The Pakistani government has intricate ties to jihadist groups and even provided Osama bin Laden with safe haven for years after 9/11. Data released by the National Grid late on Friday shows 13.7GW of existing coal plants have qualified to bid in the capacity market - meaning they will get paid to contribute capacity to prevent the lights going out. If all of the 8GW of coal that opted Don't confuse this post with coverage of the 2008 Bang on a Can Marathon. In no way are we trying to say was out doing something else (probably having more fun that she would have had spending all night in the World Financial Center). Hit us with the plot synopsis, LionsGateShop.com: To win a copy of the flick, all you have to do is come up with a clever caption to the completely unrelated photo after the jump — which shows Kimbo Slice posing with the World’s Tiniest Pimp — and .
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